Night Guards & Athletic Mouthguards


Reduce the Consequences of Grinding Your Teeth

Night guards are to be worn during sleep to reduce the consequences of nighttime tooth clenching and grinding, which can wear down your teeth while causing headaches and other pain in the jaw and neck. Tooth wear from involuntary grinding can lead to issues that compromise cosmetics by causing teeth to become jagged or severely miniaturized. Grinding can also lead to wearing away tooth enamel, resulting in increased sensitivity.

Chronic jaw pain, facial pain, ear pain, tension headaches and migraines can all be signs of bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching). If you notice that you are experiencing signs of bruxism, a custom night guard could be the solution for you. A custom night guard will be made to fit your smile comfortably, helping you to sleep peacefully while protecting your teeth.


Protect Your Smile On and Off the Field

Athletic mouthguards are to be worn during sports activities to protect teeth and gums from sports-related injuries. Made of soft plastic, these guards are comfortable and durable. Many athletes don’t realize that they grind their teeth during the heat of the game, but athletic mouthguards can help them to avoid wearing down their teeth while engaging in sports. Athletic mouthguards can be custom created to fit your smile.