

Prevent Decay with Dental Fillings

Fillings can be used to treat cavities by removing the decaying portion of your tooth and filling the space where the decayed material was extracted. Fillings are also used to repair cracked or damaged teeth. This process prevents tooth decay, a bacteria-induced infection, from spreading further into your tooth and continuing on to the sensitive inner nerve tissue located in the root canal.


What to Expect After Dental Fillings

The numbness that you experience from local anesthesia should wear off within a couple of hours. Until the numbness subsides, it’s best to avoid drinking hot or cold liquids. You should also avoid eating on the side of your mouth where the new filling has been placed. Mild sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures is normal during the first few weeks after getting a tooth filled. If this feeling persists beyond that, or if you experience any pain when biting, it could a sign that your fillings need to be adjusted. Maintain a healthy oral care routine and be sure to schedule your regular dental checkups and professional cleanings. With consistent oral hygiene and professional care, you can prevent future cavities!

Fast, efficient, amazing. So professional. They provide a clean environment with high quality service. 10/10, would definitely recommend.
Margaret Ann
Recent Patient

The Process of Filling a Tooth

There are a variety of modern materials used to fill teeth, but the process of filling a tooth is similar no matter which material is used.

Clinical Exam

The first step to filling a tooth is a clinical exam of the tooth with x-rays. This initial exam helps to determine the extent of the decay. Next, the decayed area of the tooth is removed. This is usually done with a handheld instrument like a dental drill.


At the start of the filling process, your tooth will be anesthetized so that you won’t feel any discomfort. If you usually feel nervous about receiving numbing injections, taking an anti-anxiety medication or nitrous oxide can help you feel more relaxed. 

Etching and Filling

After removing decay from your tooth, the remaining tooth structure is roughened or “etched” using a mildly acidic solution. Next, a translucent cement is applied to bond your tooth and the filling material together.