Teeth Whitening


A Safe and Effective Way to Brighten Your Smile

Our natural teeth won’t always stay as white as we’d like them to without a little professional help. Teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to enhance the beauty of your smile. Teeth whitening is one of the most economical cosmetic dental procedures. 


Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening involves the use of high-concentration bleaching gels that are not available over the counter.

Take-Home Whitening

Take-home teeth whitening requires you to be more involved in ensuring the best possible results. Several weeks of whitening may be needed to reach your desired level of whiteness. First, a mold of your teeth will be taken. Two thin and flexible plastic mouth trays will be custom-made for you. You will fill the trays with whitening gel and place the trays over your teeth. The trays are typically left in your mouth for about an hour at a time.


How to Care for Your Whitened Teeth

There are so many preventative steps you can take to protect your whitened teeth from stains, ensuring that your teeth stay white for as long as possible. The aftercare routine for whitened teeth may vary from person to person.

Whitened teeth should be brushed and flossed daily. Be sure to keep up with your regularly scheduled professional cleanings as well.

Try to avoid foods and beverages that stain. These include red wine, tea and coffee. Smoking is also a common cause of stains on teeth. 

A minor touch-up every now and then (at home or in-office) can keep your smile vibrant and beautiful for years.