General Dentistry


Make Sure Your Teeth Stay Healthy, Function Well and Look Great

There are so many innovative ways to improve the health and appearance of a person’s smile at every age. From realistic porcelain veneers to modern dental implants, we offer a wide variety of exciting possibilities.

The first step in enhancing your smile is a thorough dental health examination to confirm whether your cosmetic problems really are just that, or if they are a sign of underlying dental disease. Call or email us today to schedule your appointment!


When Should You Visit the Dentist?

Many people only visit to the dentist when something is terribly wrong. This causes them to miss out on preventive services that could save them discomfort — and money — in the long run. Routine dental visits are essential to ensure that all potential oral health problems are detected and treated in a timely manner. Some people might need to see the dentist more often than others, but everyone should see a dentist at least once per year.


General and Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

The field of dentistry encompasses many remarkable services and procedures with one common goal: to preserve your natural teeth, ensure total oral health, and keep you smiling with confidence.

Routine professional cleanings and oral exams keep your teeth and gums healthy, and catch early signs of dental diseases.

Cosmetic Bonding helps to repair small chips and cracks in your teeth.

Crowns and bridgework are used to replace large amounts of lost tooth structure and/or missing teeth.

Dental implants offer the longest-lasting tooth replacement available today.

Extractions help to remove any unhealthy teeth that cannot be saved with other procedures. 

Fillings help to restore decayed teeth and portions of decayed tooth material.

Inlays and Onlays are used to fill teeth with larger cavities.

Invisalign Clear Aligners are used for discreet and comfortable orthodontic treatment.

We provide oral cancer screenings to detect a dangerous disease that can be cured if treated early.

Orthodontic treatment helps to move teeth into the correct positions. 

Porcelain Veneers help to repair larger chips and cracks, along with reshaping teeth.

Removable Dentures can be used to replace full bridges of missing teeth.

The Root Canal procedure is used to rescue diseased teeth.

Sealants & Bonding agents can help to help prevent cavities.

TMD Treatment helps with treating pain in the jaw area that often interferes with biting and chewing.

Tooth-Colored Fillings provide a completely natural, healthy looking tooth where cavities were detected.

We offer tooth decay prevention services to help you keep your natural teeth as long as possible.