Dental Implants


get your smile back through implant dentistry

If you are missing one tooth or several teeth, we can help you can get your smile back through implant dentistry.

A dental implant is a small post that is placed in the jaw as a permanent replacement for the root of your missing tooth. When the replacement tooth is placed on top of the post, this is called a dental implant restoration. A dental implant crown can be used to replace a single missing tooth, but a dental implant bridge can replace multiple, consecutive missing teeth.


Permanent and Stable Tooth Replacements

Dental implants are a modern, permanent tooth replacement option. We provide this form restoration because it replaces both the root and crown of the missing tooth while supporting the jawbone.

Dental implants are permanent tooth replacements that can replace one missing tooth, multiple missing teeth, or all teeth. The dental implant post is a screw made of titanium. It is surgically placed in the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth to replace the root and ensure that your dental implant is stable. A period of rest and healing is required to allow your jawbone to bond with the biocompatible post. After healing, we will add the replacement tooth, which fits on top of the implant post.


The Benefits of Dental Implants

Depending your personal dental needs and the locations of your missing teeth, your implant restoration procedure may include a dental crown, dental bridge, complete denture, or partial denture. Each dental implant restoration option is tailored to fit your smile comfortably and aesthetically.

A Permanent Solution

Dental implants offer permanent, durable tooth-replacement.

Functions Naturally

Dental implants look, feel, and function comfortably like your natural teeth.

Prevents Bone Loss

Dental implants can help to prevent bone loss, which often occurs following tooth loss.

Fit and Stability

We can improve the fit of your dentures and improve their stability with as few as two dental implants.

Eat Normally

With dental implants, you will be able to resume your normal oral activities comfortably such as eating your favorite foods.

Smile Confidently

Dental implants can enhance your smile and help you to talk and laugh with confidence again.


The Benefits of Dental Implants

Depending your personal dental needs and the locations of your missing teeth, your implant restoration procedure may include a dental crown, dental bridge, complete denture, or partial denture. Each dental implant restoration option is tailored to fit your smile comfortably and aesthetically.

A Permanent Solution

Dental implants offer permanent, durable tooth-replacement.

Functions Naturally

Dental implants look, feel, and function comfortably like your natural teeth.

Prevents Bone Loss

Dental implants can help to prevent bone loss, which often occurs following tooth loss.

Fit and Stability

We can improve the fit of your dentures and improve their stability with as few as two dental implants.

Eat Well

With dental implants, you will be able to resume your normal oral activities comfortably such as eating your favorite foods.

Smile Confidently

Dental implants can enhance your smile and help you to talk and laugh with confidence again.